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Ted Haggard is Back - on Divorce Court

OK, just when I thought this thing could not get any weirder - it does.

I read this morning that Ted and Gayle Haggard are planning an appearance on Divorce Court to discuss how their marriage has survived the recent craziness (for an undisclosed amount of money). They say their marriage is better than ever and that they want to communicate to America that divorce is not the answer. And this even as it is coming to light that he had a long term sexual affair with a young man who served in his church in addition to his meth-enhanced trysts with a male escort in Colorado.

Since this strange story broke in 2006, I haven't been paying much attention. I was surprised to read that this appearance is being coordinated with a full-on Haggard publicity blitz, as he is also appearing on Oprah and Larry King Live, in order to promote his new documentary that follows his time "in exile."

This is just crazy. Time in exile? It's only been three years since the original allegations became public, and less than 3 months since the follow up revelation about his long term homosexual affair. I am not saying that significant repentance, healing, and restoration can't take place in three years. Nor am I saying that God can't take a fallen leader and raise them back up to lead again.

What I am saying is that this smacks of ambition, self-promotion, and greed - and more bad publicity for the church. There is a reason the Bible says in James 3:1 "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness." There is also a reason the Bible says that one who would serve as a pastor / elder in the church must have a reputation that is "above reproach" with outsiders(1 Tim. 3:2). It is because those who take public leadership roles in the church will, by default, become the face of Christ to those far from Christ.

I hope Haggard has found true integrity in his heart and in his relationship with God. I hope his marriage is stronger than it has ever been.

But even more than that, I hope the coming media blitz doesn't cause any more damage to the cause of Christ.


Steve H. said…

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have to agree on your Ted Haggard take. God can certainly restore men and women after sin (the Bible is full of such accounts) but this whole thing is VERY suspect. Same thing is going on with Todd Bentley right now. I want to be very careful and not beat up on these guys, but my gut says they are not doing themselves any long term favors by jumping back into the media spotlight so soon.


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