So, yesterday, I wrote a blog that lamented my loss of childlike wonder and whimsy. I proposed that this not only robbed my life of joy but that it also robbed God of glory. We have a delightful God who delights in delighting us. I proposed that the fact that we even have a sense of whimsical pleasure is simply an outgrowth of God's creative joy. So, today, a case in point. Exibit A: the platypus. The Platypus is such an unusual animal that when it was first discovered, scientists assumed it was a hoax. It simply doesn't make any sense. Consider these facts about the Platypus: It has the body of an otter, the bill and webbed feet of a duck, and the tail of a beaver. It's a carnivor, but it has no teeth (it feeds off the bottom of lakes and rivers using gravel to grind up its food). It swims gracefully, but the webbing on its feet retract to expose claws for walking on land and digging its burrow. It is a mammal, but it lays eggs (one of ...
A man made of mud learning to live as an image bearer of God